Strict Rules & Regulations


Child & Extra Bed Policy :

  • An extra bed will be provided to accommodate any child included in the booking for a charge mentioned below. (Subject to availability)
  • An extra bed will be provided to accommodate any additional guest included in the booking for a charge mentioned below. (Subject to availability)
  • INR 1500 will be charged for an extra mattress per guest. (To be paid at the property)

Safety and Hygiene :

  • Quarantine protocols are being followed as per local government authorities
  • Guests from containment zones are allowed
  • Shared resources in common areas are properly sanitized
  • Property staff is trained on hygiene guidelines
  • Guests with fever are not allowed
  • Guests without Aarogya Set app are allowed
  • Hand sanitizer is provided in guest accommodation and common areas

Guest Profile :

  • Unmarried couples allowed
  • Bachelors allowed
  • Guests below 18 years of age are not allowed at the property.
  • Suitable for children

Room Safety and Hygiene :

  • All rooms are disinfected using bleach or other disinfectant
  • Linens, towels, and laundry are washed as per local guidelines
  • Rooms are properly sanitized between stays
  • Hand sanitizers are not available in the rooms

Payment Related :

  • Credit/debit cards are accepted
  • Master Card and Visa cards are accepted

Food Arrangement :

  • Non-Veg Food is allowed
  • Outside food is not allowed in property premises

Food and Drinks Hygiene :

  • COVID-19 guidelines for Food Hygiene is followed as per government guidelines
  • Social distancing is followed in restaurants
  • Serveware and supplies are sanitized before they are brought to the kitchen
  • Masks and hairnets are mandatory for staff in restaurants

Smoking/Alcohol consumption Rules :

  • Smoking within the premises is not allowed
  • Alcohol consumption is not allowed within the property premises.

Property Accessibility :

  • Not suitable for Elderly/Disabled
  • Bed height is accessible
  • The entire unit is not accessible by wheelchair
  • The property has a wide entryway

Pet(s) Related :

  • Pets are not allowed.
  • There are no pets living on the property

Physical Distancing :

  • Cashless Payment is not available

ID Proof Related :

  • Govt. ID is accepted as ID proof(s)
  • Non-Govt IDs is not accepted as ID proof(s)
  • Local ids not allowed

Other Rules :

  • Does not allow private parties or events
  • Visitors are allowed

BOOK YOUR STAY - CALL US @ 01376297333 | 7505417979

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